Past Work & Reviews
Portfolio of Past Work:
Stanza Slam Winner 2016
Featured Poet at Other Voices Edinburgh Fringe 2016
Featured Poet at Boomerang Club Edinburgh Fringe 2016
Hammer and Tongue Slam Winner Edinburgh Fringe 2016
BBC Other Voices performer 2016
National Poetry Slam Championships Finalist for Scotland (Glasgow 2017)
Hammer and Tongue Poetry Slam Championship Semi-Finalist (Royal Albert Hall 2017)
Polaris - Debut Spoken Word Play (Edinburgh Fringe 2017)
Word4Word Slam Winner (London 2017)
POLARIS Tour (Curve Theatre, Leicester 2018)
POLARIS + Emcee at StAnza - Scottish International Poetry Festival (St Andrews 2018)
Selected Reviews
- "Subtle rhymes ripple through the texture of the piece, studded with vibrant images and beautiful turns of phrase."
Edfringe Review (Editor's Choice):
- “Poetic skill and passion…like a fist in the face”.
- "Raw, honest and highly lyrical. Please go along.”
- "sweet and hopeful"
- **** "Raymond-Cox is an endearingly sincere storyteller, with evident talent refined by technique... not one to miss."
Glasgow Slam Review:
- "the pint sized pocket rocket that is the brilliant Hannah Raymond-Cox"... "Trust me Hannah, is one of the best performers you will ever see on a poetry stage... a talent ten times the size of herself."
- "Hannah combined wit and warmth in such a newsy style I thought I was being patronised by the BBC."
I have been published by Quotidian Magazine. Other publication credits are in the works!